
Allegium is a new Member of the German Road Safety Council (DVR e.V.)
Berlin, December 13th 2023 – After nearly 12 years cooperation Allegium became a new member of the German Road Safety Council (DVR e.V.). During the General Meeting on December 13th Allegiums CEO Tarek Nazzal was also elected in the DVR Board Committee for Young Drivers.
The members of the Young Drivers Committee develop positions aimed at improving the road safety of young drivers. They primarily concern practical and theoretical driver training and further training and the framework conditions for young people’s participation in road traffic.

Ford Fund Smart Mobility Accelerator
Loughborough, September 14th – 15th, 2023 –
The Ford Motor Company Fund, the philanthropic arm of Ford, has been working with its international funding partner Global Giving since 2018 to support young students in developing innovative solutions to mobility challenges. A considerable pool of start-up initiatives has emerged under the title “Ford Fund Smart Mobility Challenge” also from the TH-Cologne proudly supported by Allegium.
Now the Ford Fund supports young student start-up teams with a new accelerator program to advance their mobility start-ups and expertise. Lynes a start-up team that emerged from the Smart Mobility Challenge at the TH Cologne takes 1st place in the Start-Up Challenge and thus receives additional funding of EUR 15,000…

Ford Fund Smart Mobility Challenge 2022/23 @TH-Cologne
Cologne, Januar 31st 2023 – The TH-Cologne student project uni.GO is the big winner of the Ford Fund Smart Mobility Challenge 2022/23. On Thursday, January 19th, 2023, the three finalists uni.GO, un.ap and OURCity presented their project progress to the jury, consisting of representatives of the TH Cologne with the chairs of “Automotive Engineering” and “Corporate Architecture”, the automobile manufacturer Ford and its non-profit foundation Ford Fund. Allegium is proud to support the Ford Fund Smart Mobility Challenge.

Ford Fund Smart Mobility Challenge 2022/23 @TH-Cologne
Cologne, Januar 31st 2023 – The TH-Cologne student project uni.GO is the big winner of the Ford Fund Smart Mobility Challenge 2022/23. On Thursday, January 19th, 2023, the three finalists uni.GO, un.ap and OURCity presented their project progress to the jury, consisting of representatives of the TH Cologne with the chairs of “Automotive Engineering” and “Corporate Architecture”, the automobile manufacturer Ford and its non-profit foundation Ford Fund. Allegium is proud to support the Ford Fund Smart Mobility Challenge.
Ford Fund Smart Mobility Challenge @TH-Cologne
Cologne, Nov. 11th 2021 – 3 exciting new projects in this years Ford Fund Smart Mobility Challenge have been elected and granted 5.000 EUR to develop their ideas. Allegium is proud to support the teams again and is looking forward for the interim-results in January 22.
News - MINT-Festival @Cologne Central Library
Cologne, Oct. 23rd 2021 – Under this years´ motto “Digital Worlds”, Ford volunteers and trainees supported by Allegium presented “Share-the-Road” at the MINT-Festival @Cologne Central Library. Attendees were able to experience the Emoji-Jacket for cyclist as well as the specially developed VR-experience “Wheel-Swap”.
News - DSFL 2021
Cologne, Oct. 11th 2021 – After one year pause due to the pandemic, Ford’s driving safety training course “Vorfahrt für Deine Zukunft” took place from Saturday, October 9th, to Sunday, October 10th “Vorfahrt für deine Zukunft” is a free of charge training course designed specifically for young drivers aged between 18 and 24. The training is certified by the German Road Safety Council and is conducted by Allegium. Read more on this years training.
News - DSFL 2021
Cologne, Oct. 11th 2021 – After one year pause due to the pandemic, Ford’s driving safety training course “Vorfahrt für Deine Zukunft” took place from Saturday, October 9th, to Sunday, October 10th “Vorfahrt für deine Zukunft” is a free of charge training course designed specifically for young drivers aged between 18 and 24. The training is certified by the German Road Safety Council and is conducted by Allegium. Read more on this years training.
News - Final Event FSMC II @ TH-Cologne
Cologne, Oct. 7th 2021 – On October 7, the final event of the second Ford Fund Smart Mobility Challenge @ TH- Cologne took place. But not only the winning team EnX showed impressive results. The second and third place teams also continued their projects. Team RheinSharing impressed the participants with a strong performance since the last jury meeting on February 10, 2021.The final event was also the kick-off for the next FSMC III, where more than 40 new students participated. Allegium is a proud supporter of FSMC and looks forward to seeing the results of this year’s FSMC. Read more on FSMC II.
News - RheinSharing signs MoU with Ford of Germany
Cologne, Oct. 4th 2021 – Ford in Germany and the start-up RheinSharing have signed a memorandum of understanding. The start-up emerged from an interdisciplinary student initiative at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences (TH). The six students of automotive engineering and architecture had won second place in the Ford Fund Smart Mobility Challenge in March of this year with their disruptive idea to generate renewable energy from the flow of the river Rhine and use it directly to power mobility stations to supply electric vehicles. Allegium proudly supports RheinSharing. Read more